If you have missing teeth, you should consider replacing them to fix your smile. Missing teeth come with cosmetic concerns and can also deteriorate your oral health. This is because they can cause nearby teeth to start moving, and it can be quite challenging to maintain your oral health. If you are looking to replace your missing teeth, there are many options to choose from, dentures being one of them. Get in touch with us at Ortega Dental to learn which dentures are suitable for your teeth.
There are usually two types of dentures available for dental patients with missing teeth: partial and complete dental dentures. Both of them perform the same function, but they differ when it comes to the number of teeth they replace. The partial denture normally replaces one or a few more missing teeth, and they are attached to a gum-colored plastic-like base to ensure that the denture does not fall out when you wear it. On the other hand, a complete denture replaces the whole set either on your upper or lower jaw and sometimes both sets.
Dentures are the best kind of teeth replacement option as it comes with many other benefits apart from fixing your smile and supporting your other teeth. Dentures also boost your self-confidence. If you have missing teeth, it can be hard to smile or even speak with people if you are feeling self conscious.
Dentures also prevent wear and tear of your existing teeth. You see, when you have teeth only on one side of your mouth, it means that you will always be using that side to bite and chew food. Over time, that part of your mouth will be exposed to a lot of pressure, and your teeth may begin to fracture, crack or even break. But when you use dentures, it allows you to chew food evenly.
Apart from that, dentures prevent gum infections. Missing teeth can begin to shift to fill up the space present in your mouth. When this happens, it can be very hard to clean all parts of your teeth well, and this will lead to plaque buildup. As time goes by, you may develop gingivitis and periodontal disease. Lastly, dentures reduce bone loss. Bone loss mostly happens if you stay for a long time without replacing your teeth. The roots of the tooth that were present disappear, and this weakens your jaw.
We welcome you to our dental office, Ortega Dental, to have your dentures installed. Book an appointment with us by calling (904) 864-2222.