
Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a condition that affects your jaw and teeth. It mostly happens at night but can sometimes happen during the daytime. What is worse is that you may fail to notice you have the condition until you start to feel pain around your jaw and teeth. Dentists usually recommend that patients with the condition use a night mouthguard to reduce the pain in their jaw and protect their teeth. Fortunately, the treatment has proven to work, and the best part is that night mouthguards are comfortable if issued by professional dentists. At Ortega Dental you can get a custom fit night guard.

Teeth grinding is a problem affecting many people and can deteriorate your dental health. This is why it is important to check in with your dentist to have the condition diagnosed and treated to avoid tooth damage. Teeth grinding can cause teeth fracture or breakage due to the pressure your teeth are exposed to. When this happens, the bacteria in your mouth easily gets into the spaces between your teeth and causes decay, which eventually leads to cavities. Apart from that, teeth clenching causes gum infections. When you constantly grind your teeth, tiny spaces are created along your gum line, and bacteria can quickly enter into those spaces and cause gum infections.

How Do Night Mouthguards Help?

Night mouthguards are meant to reduce the pressure caused by teeth grinding and hence reduce pain around your jaw, ears, and gums. They also help eliminate other conditions like sleep apnea, which can negatively affect your dental health. Night mouthguards allow you to sleep well as they also allow you to breathe well throughout the night. They work by separating your upper and lower jaw to eliminate the grinding completely.

Is It Worth Investing In A Custom-Made Mouthguard?

The two main types of nightguards are over-the-counter mouthguards and custom-made mouthguards. Over-the-counter guards are available in local stores and come in different sizes. The most popular one is boil-and-bite, and they can be a bit uncomfortable unless you find the right size for you. On the other hand, custom-made night mouthguards are found in your dentist’s office, and they are made to fit you perfectly. They are usually molded after your teeth impression has been taken. Since they are molded to fit your teeth, they are very comfortable to sleep with. Their edges are usually smooth and will not injure your gum or mouth tissues while you sleep.

Is It Necessary to Carry Your Mouthguard During Dental Appointments?

If you have a night mouthguard, you must carry them with you whenever you visit your dentist. This is because your dentist will inspect any signs of wear and tear and check if they are still fitting you well. If they have been damaged by too much pressure from your teeth, the dentist will consider replacing them so your teeth can continue to be protected from bruxism.

Get A Custom-Made Mouthguard Today

If you have bruxism, you should visit us here at Ortega Dental to get a custom fit night mouthguard. It will help protect your teeth and eliminate temporomandibular joint disorder for good. To book an appointment call us at (904) 864-2222.