Dental crowns are great restoration oral devices used to cover discolored, decayed, and fractured teeth. They are usually placed on the damaged tooth, but first the tooth has to be shaped to ensure the crown fits perfectly. The good news is that patients always have the freedom to choose their preferred dental crown. Normally, there are metallic dental crowns and porcelain fused crowns. Porcelain crowns are the most recommended as they offer a more natural smile and come with other great benefits. Here at our dental clinic, Ortega Dental, our dentist will fix your dental issues using high-quality porcelain crowns.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are also known as caps as they help cover a damaged tooth. They are always custom-made because we have different shapes to our teeth. The dentist will take an impression of your tooth and manufacture a permanent crown for your tooth. This helps ensure that your dental crown matches with the other teeth in your mouth. It also ensures the crown you are using is very comfortable. Before they are placed on your tooth, a cleaning procedure has to be conducted to ensure that the crowns do not cover the bacteria in the tooth. This also helps to avoid expensive root canal treatments.

When Is It Necessary to Have Porcelain Crowns?

Porcelain crowns can be suitable for your teeth if you have large cavities that cannot be fixed with dental fillings. Fillings are always excellent for small cavities, but if they are big, a crown can help cover the entire hole and ensure the bacteria does not damage your teeth. Also, if your tooth has been damaged to the point that it is no longer strong, a dental crown can help save your tooth by giving it the necessary strength. Dental crowns can also be suitable if you have cracks, stains, or your teeth are small.

Dental crowns are used during implant surgery to make chewing surfaces. They are permanently attached to the implants after the titanium rods have been placed inside your jawbone.

What Makes Porcelain Crowns Stand Out?

Unlike other dental crowns, porcelain crowns are strong and durable, which means they will serve you for a very long time. They can withstand a lot of pressure which they might be exposed to. Porcelain crowns are excellent for molars since these teeth are exposed to wear and tear as they are mainly the ones used for chewing food. Porcelain crowns are not bulky. This means that you can use them comfortably as they will not cause any strain on your jaw and teeth. The material is also very easy to shape and fit on your teeth.

Caring for Dental Crowns

Even if dental crowns are not real teeth, they need to be cared for to prevent them from staining. They should be brushed every day, and most importantly, dental visits are necessary to ensure they do not have any cracks or chips. We welcome you to visit our Ortega Dental dental office to have your crowns replaced or cleaned. To book an appointment, give us a call at (904) 864-2222.